So the question that everyone in Madison County is wanting to know "How are we going to incorporate technology system wide"? Obviously we need a plan now that HCS has gone to the one to one initiative. Do we need to follow suit? I think we should strive to have devices in every one's hand, but not necessarily the way HCS did it. Technology is a wonderful resource, but it should be used as just that. It should not be used to take the place of the teacher or as a way to get rid of paper. Technology should be used to expand the lesson by research and probing questions. BYOD is a more economical way for us to get to that point. I do not think BYOD should be a long term solution as we should go toward providing the technology, but it is one way that we can ease into process. Most of our students would be able to bring a device. The biggest concern with bringing these devices would be theft. Making sure that students and parents would feel comfortable with their child bringing an iPad of laptop without it being stolen would be a huge task. Hopefully the rewards would outweigh the problems in the end.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Digital Citizenship
As technology advances and the use of smart phones become an everyday tool, we must make sure that our youth are using it enhance themselves and not for something that could harm them. With almost every scuffle in our school comes a story of how someone said something on facebook or twitter. We have also heard on the news of how these tools are being used for bullying. We must educate or children to A. not put anything harmful on there and B. Not to worry when something is put on there. It is so easy for us to say something on facebook or by a text that we normally would not say in person because we feel safe behind our computers. We must make sure that our students understand how this can make someone feel. It is also alarming with text message and pictures, what they may be sending or posting between each other. We have got to educate them so that pictures do not ruin someone 15 years down the road. Role playing could be a great way to educate them to use these material correctly.
Monday, November 19, 2012
First of all, why is the i not capitalized? Are they not important? Actually they are very important. I am fortunate enough to be able to share a classroom set of iPads. We use them occasionally, and the students love them. We were taking a quiz on them a couple weeks back, you could hear a pin drop, and not a single one ever stopped and said it was too hard. No one complained about not having a pencil, and no one skipped anything. I know that if we used them everyday, they would probably become boring, but to use them once every couple of weeks, the students love them and are all engaged. There are a lot of cool things on them, and a lot of cool things that are not on ours. But I would say in general, they are good for my students.
Maybe I am too boring...
My life seems to a lot of people too boring. I get up everyday and I go to work. At that work I am faced with students who have no idea what it means to be a young adult, have to pick and choose my times to go to the restroom, I have to constantly study material, I have to fill out forms that I do not agree with, and deal with people that I have never met that do not like me because their 15 year old child does not like me. My pay is ok, but I will never own a fancy sports car or have a bowling alley in my house. We take a small vacation every year and every few years are able to go somewhere a little nicer. I have a job that I must go home and look at lesson plans to make sure that I am ready for the next day. It is not glamorous, I will never meet anyone famous at my job. I will never be on TV being interviewed about something good that has happened. If I dress nice, I burn up in my clothes and sometimes ruin them with a pen that I leave in the pocket. No one ever says they want to be like me. I never post pics from my job that people comment on or say how fun that looks. I do not get talk to an adult until I get home, and sometimes she is so tired from the same thing, that talking is not fun. With that being said, I would not want to change my career. People have always told me that on our tombstone, the most important part is the hyphen or dash. There are so many people in my life that I can not remember, but yet I remember everyone of my teachers. I can not remember what I ate yesterday, but I remember leading prayer in my 5th grade class with Mrs. Nixon. I do not know a single song of Justin Bieber by heart when I hear them on a daily basis, yet I can sing my Alma mater from high school without missing a word. I have been at five different schools in my career but none are as important to me as my high school. I will not make huge sale today, or write an important article. I will not fire anyone or change my company's course. I will not be invited to a function that everyone is envious of. Yet today, I may make a memory. Not for me, but for a 15 year old. My day will end the same, but I might change the day of a student. So for me, the dash on my tombstone will not be extravagant, but it will live on in the lives of a lot of students that have come in to my room.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Flipped Classroom
The flipped classroom is a great idea in theory. Students get the notes at night and then come to school and do the work. But in a society where parent involvement and homework are rarely important, it seems as though this would not work. This idea will work with the motivated but I do not see it helping our at risk students. Our motivated students are fine, our educational system works well for them. Until we decide as a society that education is important for our children, the no new method will work better than the last.
Politics and Education
This past week was the Presidential Election. One question that most of us have is how much we can teach politics without pushing our own beliefs. Whenever we look at political issues in science, I make sure that we look at both sides and that I do not support either. However, it has come to my attention that not everyone does this. In fact it seems as those teachers that push for tolerance seem to be the most pushy when it comes to the classroom. I know that this is not always the case, but it sure seems like it. Teachers that are conservative have been labeled as trying to pass on their beliefs while teachers on the other side are able to hide behind freedom of speech. It is time that we make a well defined line about politics in the classroom and that we do not allow either side to pass beyond it.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Barriers to Technology
What are the barriers to technology? It is an easy answer for me. Training. As teachers, we are giving a lot of ideas for technology use, but very little PD. We are also show new ideas but we do not have a network of help. A lot of our administrators have been out of the classroom since technology has really taken off. They can't help and are not able to give use real world examples. We can all find videos on any type of technological ideas in education, yet we have no support team handily available. Until there is support, and support from the top, we will never use technology to its greatest potential.
Good or Bad for Literacy
Student literacy, how is it affected by technology? If used correctly technology can be good, but it is like anything else, if used in the wrong way, it will harm our children. Technology can be used to really get students involved. It can be used as a way to increase interest. It can be used to tell stories with pictures. At the same time, there is so much information out there, that students can be overwhelmed with the amount of reading. It can be used by students to find shortcuts which is not good. I find myself sometimes playing on the Internet instead of doing my tasks that I need to do. So does it help or hurt, it can do both.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Bring Up or Water Down
In my Pre AP Biology courses, I have a dilemma. Do I teach the curriculum on a college prep basis, or do I make sure that all of my students are doing well? I have several students that are not doing well right now. I look at their grade and it is apparent that they are not doing homework or taking any extra time for Pre AP Biology. For a lot of my students, this is the first year that they have had homework. One of our feeder schools does not allow homework. This is making my job increasingly tough. I do not give much homework, only about one night per week, but expect them to read the material outside of class. Too many of my students feel as though they can get the material just by showing up to my class. They are not wanting to do anything outside of my class. I do have several A's because it is class that students can be successful. So my dilemma is, do I quit giving outside work so that the everyone will be successful, or do I keep going at a college prep level and leave the others behind? In the famous words of Monday Night Football...You make the call!!!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Out with the Old
So what do you need to do with old technology? First of all, look around to see if someone is less fortunate than you are. Is your old technology better than someone else's current technology. If it is, then give it to them. A lot of old technology can be updated. If it can be updated, then use it as part of a backup system or for use with students. I would love to have a few old computers in my classroom just to allow students to type and surf the web on. An old computer that we no longer find useful because it is too slow or does not have the newest version of some working system, can still bue used by students in the classroom. Internet and a word do not take a lot space but can create an environment in the classroom that is useful.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
A Great Website
Most of use facebook and most or students use. I found a website that is called fakebook. We used the fakebook to create fake facebooks of the cell. The organelles were the friends and each student had to make a post from the organelle to the cell using conversation that would be appropriate. All of the students enjoyed and then made very good grades on their cell function tests. It was a day where they were all engaged and actually looked up information and pictures. With the free page, there are adds that will stay on it. They can still save it and print it off however. They can access this page from the link below.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
RTI, Does it really work?
I have been spending a lot of time as part of the RTI team at school. I have to question if this time is spent wisely. Not that we are not doing our job, because we are. But looking at the comments from teachers and how the kids are doing in school, I have to wonder if any of this will help. I see a couple of the students and I think that public education is not going anything for them. However, when it comes time of testing, we all look bad. I do not have answers, but I wish everyone would realize, they do not have answers either. Having students in the ninth grade that read on a third grade level is not easy for anyone involved. It is not easy for the student, but having to deal with them in a core class in high school is not the answer either. Until we all realize that none of have the answer, will we ever find one.
Battling resistance
As an Administrator it is important to know and realize that no matter what you do, there will be some unhappy people. How do you keep resistance to a minimum with technology? By providing enough professional development to allow the teacher to learn how to use the technology. It is also wise to ease into a situation to allow that teacher time to adjust. At no point, should an administrator just send out an e-mail or memo and say start using this tomorrow. Bringing technology in to the school should be a slow but goal oriented adventure.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sustaining Technology
As an Administrator it is important to set the tone early in the year with technology. Our in service days are normally spent listening to some speaker talk about a new fad in education. Ho about using the professional development money to have a couple of courses taught on how to use technology. Most Principals are willing to buy smart boards, but how many of us have actually had training on how to use one. Here is an idea, have your faculty divide into four groups, have four technology themes and rotate the collaboration and ideas throughout the year. Allow teachers to collaborate and teach each other. If a school could become competent in four kinds or types of technology per year, that school would lead the way in technology use.
Unmotivated to work...
I have been reading a book to my regular biology students. It is called "Unwind." It is a very good book but I still do not see the participation in class that I was hoping. My third block class has several students that are repeating the ninth grade. I see a lot of unmotivated students that no matter what I do, I can not get through to them. We do small group work, fun activities, labs, and other things. I am hoping that next week when report cards come out that maybe we will see some improvement because of unhappy students. In this class, I have two A's, three B's, three C's, and the rest are D's and F's. I very seldom receive an e-mail from parents. I am constantly getting e-mails from my Pre AP students wanting to know how to turn the B into an A. It is hard to keep my motivation when going into this classroom everyday. Just today, as we were supposed to be getting our books out to do a mitosis foldable, there were five students who did not even bring books to class. It is a tough group, and unfortunately society has decided to blame me. Oh well, tomorrow will be a new day. Maybe one, just one will be better because of me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Nine yards, but not 10?
I do not know where the saying "the whole nine yards" comes from. Being a football person, I have always assumed it came from football, but shouldn't it be 10. It probably comes from somewhere else, but this quote came to me while doing some reading about middle schools. We can all agree that the middle school years are vital, in fact they are probably more important than high school years. Then why do we not support our middle schools more? We do not cheer in football for nine yards, we want ten. So why do we think that we should put a ton of money and energy into elementary schools and high schools and leave our middle schools to fend for themselves. Middle schools do not have an identity. When is the last time you have seen a future teacher in college say, "I want to be a middle school teacher." I'm sure there are some out there, but they are few and far between. We have to give our middle schools an identity. We have to quit modeling them after elementary and high school and create a learning environment for hormonal, crazy kids. I am not writing this to demean kids in middle school, but that is what they are. We have to think outside the box and put time, money, and energy into the most important developmental years. After all, without good middle schools, we will not have good high schools.
Ef8ctive Learning
How can technology be used to create an effective learning environment? Easy.... it allows students to be creative or matter of fact. By using technology, students can be themselves. If they are creative, then it helps, if they are more to the point, then it still helps. Technology allows differentiated instruction just by its normal course. We have been creating fake facebooks for the cell using iPads. Each student has to have comments from the organelles. They are learning the job of the organelle while being as creative as possible. Students are engaged and they truly enjoy the learning.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sometimes 7 is a winner, sometimes 7 is a loser...
In the game of craps, the timing of 7 means the difference between winning and losing. After listening to Steven Layne last Friday, I realize that students must feel like this in the classroom. They hear a lot of teachers preach about reading. Read, read, read, say all of the teachers, but then they will follow with "not that." Why do we care what our students are reading? I understand that we should censor some of the books. Fifty Shades of Grey, is not something our students should be reading, but outside of books that are explicit about adult themes, why should we slow them down. If they only want to read comic books, let them. If they only want to read graphic novels (which I hate), let them. We try to tell them that a story from the Puritan days of an adulterer wearing an A on her chest is awesome. Unfortunately, our students know at least three people in their neighborhood who have committed adultery. No it does not make it right, but it is not taboo like it was 30 years ago. We have to change in order to get students to read. With all of the technology, they no longer need to read, but to learn it is still a staple of education. Practice makes perfect, and reading, even if it is not something we care about, is good.
Read about igniting a passion for reading:
Read about igniting a passion for reading:
Thursday, September 20, 2012
This Old Man, He played Six
Technology is wonderful (And all of Jesus' people said Amen). In all reality, it is wonderful. However, with today's technology overload, a person can feel inferior or inadequate very quickly. Everyday, every week, every month; new technology comes out. I am not downing technology, because it is a great way to educate children. But when schools start to show us something new, I think we all feel like the old man playing knick knack with sticks. We are in technology overload (I have been using excel for years and I still don't know how to set up a function in a cell). So when new things come out, it really makes a lot of teachers step back instead of up. What is the best practice for technology in the classroom? Find something you like using and get good at it. Powerpoint, movie maker, edmodo, blogger, iNow, key note, symbaloo, facebook, twitter, e-mail, test generator, ACT quality core, Laying the foundation test generator, smartboard, apps, drop box, pod casts, ALEX, Youtube, APT Plus, ESPN, Foxnews (oops got off topic just a touch), but you get the point. There is a lot out there. My advice as to how to use technology proficiently in the classroom, learn how to use one very well before moving on. I think sometimes we try to keep up with the Jones family in technology. If technology is used correctly, it can be a great tool, but not being used correctly can hurt a child's education as much as anything. As an administrator, I believe we must give the teachers the tools for a technological world but should keep in mind that they are teachers.
This is a rcent article from a tech teacher. I thought it was great.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Five bad students..
I have been fortunate to mentor a few new teachers during my career. I wrote earlier of how we can make new teachers feel inadequate. One thing that I always try to tell a new teacher is a story that one of my mentors at Tuscaloosa County High used to always tell us. The best teacher to ever walk the face of the Earth was Jesus Christ. He had 12 main students, his disciples. Out of the 12: One betrayed him, two fell asleep on him, one denied him, and one questioned if he had risen. As teachers, we are no where near as perfect as Jesus was. It is important that we try to teach and reach every one of our students. However, you can never take it personally when you come up short. You should rethink and reteach, but in the end, we will never reach 100%.
Just my thought of the day as I enter into the leadership role.
Just my thought of the day as I enter into the leadership role.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Four Score and Technology from Long Ago
Just as Abraham Lincoln was trying to preserve the foundation that our nation was built on, yet trying to change society's view on slavery; we have reached a crossroads in education in our own time. Teachers that are ready to retire have seen the classroom go from no computers and technology to an overload of computers, ipads, iphones, and apps for information. Information and answers are only seconds away that once was two days in the library. This technology is great, but we should never forget that the goal of an educator is the same as it was in Abraham Lincoln's time. Teaching students to think and problem solve should always be our goal. When we go to the science lab, I try to accomplish this. Because of today's technology, it is no easy feat. In the science classroom, we have two types of technology; we have technology for use in the classroom that all teachers have and then we have technology for the science lab. I am fortunate to have in my classroom: an ipad, a macbook, a think pad, two flip cams, a digital recorder, a clicker system, two digital cameras, a smart board, a projector, surround sound, and an elmo. I am in technology overload. I love using the smart board. We can do things and show virtual labs that normally we could not do. I love using the ipads, I wish they would come out with flash player though, we would be able to do even more. We will even use the ipads this Spring for the students to play a game at our school that was designed at Hudson Alpcha. The students enjoy the technology and actually take pride in taking care of it. However, when we go into the lab, our technology consists of microscopes that are not much different from the ones used in Abraham Lincoln's day. Technology in the lab has not changed. It is frustrating to be able to connect with anyone in the world in my classroom, yet struggle to show students any technology outside of computers that a sceintist would use today. AMSTI and ASIM works really hard to get us technology for our labs. For this I am very grateful. So for me, technology has its ups and downs. Students are comfortable with the technology, however I am afraid if google ever shuts down, my students will have a tough time trying to decide the difference between animal and plant cells.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Three's Company....
Just like Jack had to constantly be aware and think on his feet when dealing with Mr. Roper, an Administrator must also be able to think quickly and be creative when dealing with the school. This weekend, I was in charge of ACT testing at Huntsville High, a student with very sever test anxiety had an accident in the testing room. I had to make a quick decision that allowed the student to continue testing while not interfering with the rest of the testing room. I had to make a split minute decision while taking in all information and guidelines that are set forth by ACT. I did not have time to call ACT and ask what to do or call the Principal and ask how she wanted me to handle it. After everything was taken care of, I felt like I made the right decision for all students involved. At the same time however, I critiqued myself and found one thing that I would do different if the problem ever arises again. I truly believe that this is learning. None of us are ever too old or ever too perfect to change or learn. I am excited about this new phase in my life. I know that along the way there will be mistakes, but having an open mind and a willingness to admit mistakes will allow me to grow and become the best Administrator that I hope to be.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
And Then There Were 2....
Now that you know why you are following me, it is equally important to understand why I want to be an Administrator. Notice that I capitalized Administrator, not sure that it should be, I could ask my wife which is an English Teacher, but that would be considered following and not leading; I feel as though Administrator and Principal should both be capitalized because they need to stand out. I have always wanted to be a leader. When I was in high school, I wanted to go to the Air Force Academy. One of my favorite quotes from the Academy was "Lead, Follow, or get the He** out of the way." A little rough and perhaps offensive to some, but a great quote to live your life by. I have been a follower, in my mind loyal, there have also been times that I simply had to get out of the way because I could not follow and would only be hindering progress. I now want to live the rest of my life leading. I feel that the experience that I have acquired with 13 years of teaching at five different high schools, under six different Principals, and six different Superintendents; has put me in a position to share ideas that have worked and to punt ideas that did not, straight to the curb. I feel that at times, I have been a teacher that was exemplary and at times a teacher that should have left the business. My 13 years of teaching have not been without bumps in the road, and I feel as though these life experiences have been just as important as the smooth times. I sit back and see how we run new teachers out of the world of education. We make them feel as though they are inadequate. We give them little help, and throw so much on them, that a 20 hour work day is still not enough. We give new teachers the classes that the rest of us do not want and we expect them to have the results that a veteran teacher would have. The madness does not stop with just new teachers. In education, we keep asking teachers to do more, both in and out of the classroom and then give teachers higher standards to reach each year. We do all of this without leading and teaching our teachers. We expect our teachers to learn on their own time and money, while expecting them to teach children and parents regardless of the situation. Teachers naturally do not quit. I have been so impressed with how teachers rise up and do the best they can do. Teachers put other people's children at the top of their "to do" list everyday. Teachers really do care, and they are unbelievable at their jobs. Yes, I know, your child had a bad teacher. There are several out there, but there is not a single profession that can profess to have nothing but great employees. Ask our Federal Government, ask our State Government, and ask our churches. They all have bad employees. But most of us have not lost faith in these entities. We continue to put our money and time into making them all the best they can be. I feel as though with great leadership, I can help teachers reach their goals while returning the world of education back into a profession that we love. I know that education will continue to progress in ways that add stress to the teachers, but I know with leadership that is at the front and stands out, we can make this a profession that you smile when your child says "When I grow up, I want to be a teacher."
In the beginning......
Before you care to read anything written by the infamous Scott McMickin, I find it necessary to learn a little bit about me. After all, following someone as great as me, might make you important. So the first question I am sure that you have is, "Why are you so great?". To begin with, I know I am great, because I have always been told this. So far, never by words but by expressions. Yes, I see that expression you have on your face right now. It says:"Scott, you are awesome!!!"
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